Dr Michael Rowlands

Dr Rowlands is working remotely during the Coronavirus pandemic until the government advice is for a return to normal working.

He is consulting remotely using Zoom and WhatsApp video conferencing. The UK private health insurance companies are in agreement with this method of communication and are allowing refund of consultation fees.

The video conferencing generally works well and Dr Rowlands tries to allow more time for this medium. Some of the subtleties of psychiatric consultation are not able to be picked up, but from a patient’s perspective, there is immense flexibility both in terms of time and location of appointments, but also it allows Dr Rowlands to refer to any therapist anywhere in the UK that is most effective for your condition.

By agreeing to the appointment you are also agreeing to have the consultation undertaken remotely.

Appointments are not recorded, so Dr Rowlands will look away from the screen, at times, to make written notes. Dr Rowlands is in a quiet private room, for the duration of the consultation. Dr Rowlands would, in general, prefer to consult with the patient whilst they are alone, but if you would like family members or friends to be present, please let him know. It can often be helpful to speak to family members at the end of the consultation, although this option is entirely at the patient's discretion.

Please ensure that there is sufficient battery charge is available on your phone for 60-90 minutes.

Sick notes; can be written, scanned and sent across by email during the consultation, if required.

Prescriptions; can either be posted, or collected from 128 Brighton Road Tadworth KT20 6AQ or sent to an on-line pharmacy which will deliver to your door (a dispensing charge by the chemist is made for all private prescriptions the amount depending on the cost of drugs).

Letters; Dr Rowlands will write, and send by secure email, to your GP with his opinion and medication recommendations. GPs will usually prescribe on Dr Rowlands’ behalf although they have no legal duty to do so. Dr Rowlands is happy to include copy GP and other letters by email. You may request that Dr Rowlands does not write to your GP, but if medication is prescribed, it is good medical practice to do so and a very brief letter can be written to the GP. Dr Rowlands would like to be made aware of any issues that are not required in the GP letter.

This page was last updated: 8 October 2024

I am a Healthcare provider for:

  • Alliance
  • Aviva
  • AXA PPP Healthcare
  • Benenden
  • Bupa
  • Cigna
  • Groupama
  • Healthcare RM
  • Simply Health
  • Vitality Health
  • WPA